The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
This can also be a great way to get into his pants as well ;)
Here's some sure fire foods to tantalize those taste buds, and get the hormones flowing!
High in zinc, and amino acids that trigger the production of sex hormones!
High levels of Vitamin E help to maintain youthful vigor and energy.
The spices in a cup of Chai tea help with blood flow and circulation. Plus its caffeine free, so there's no added rush to contend with!
Pomegranite juice has been proven to help with erectile dysfunction...

Honey contains boron, which regulates estrogen and testosterone levels. Plus, it gives a nice sweet boost of energy!
A natural stimulant --- Coffee speeds up the heart rate, and gets the blood flowing! It's also suggested that coffee may well help to get women in to mood for sex!
Lycopene is natures "Viagra", and watermelon is chock full of it!!! It relaxes the blood vessels, and improves circulation.
An aphrodisiac that mimics arousal by stimulating endorphins to speed up heart rate and make you sweat!
Pine Nuts
Another food high in zinc, pine nuts can help with sexual performance!
Containing many minerals and antioxidants, arugula helps to boost the libido by blocking environmental pollutants that reduce sex drive!
Olive Oil
More antioxidants... Plus a wholesome amount of mono & poly unsaturated fats, which helps to keep the blood and hormones flowing!
Potassium and antioxidants aplenty! Figs represent fertility, and are the very symbol of sexuality!
Vitamins and antioxidants galore... Plus, artichokes are meant to be eaten with another, in a complete act of intimacy!

Packed full of Vitamin C, strawberries keep the blood flowing .... to ALL parts of the body :)
As a whole, chocolate is a sensual food, but dark chocolate helps to spike dopamine --- which increases feelings of pleasure!
A super fruit indeed! Cherries contain Vitamins A, C, and E. Along with potassium, magnesium, folate, iron, and melatonin! All of these vitamins and minerals help with blood flow, circulation, and heart regulation.
Pumpkin Seeds
Looking for a HUGE testosterone boost? Eat an ounce of pumpkin seeds! There's 156 mg of magnesium in an ounce of pumpkin seeds --- this will provide a huge, natural boost in testosterone levels!
Whipped Cream
Let's be honest --- Whipped cream doesn't contain one single thing to naturally help with sexual stimulation... BUT... it sure can be fun!
What do you think...
Is it possible to eat your way to amazing sex?
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