The "Buzz" on the best fucking products around

The "Buzz" on the best fucking products around

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

S&M--- Leather Penis & Scrotum Strap

Because of bad weather, I had to wait extra long for this to arrive. 
But --- good things come to those who wait! 

First and foremost, I'd like to mention that this runs small. Either that, or it is made for men with very small testicles. That being said... It was a chore to put on the first time I tried. However, my husband is a ridiculously good sport, and winced though my pushing and pulling like a true champ! 

Once it was in place, I stood back to marvel my handy work, and all I could think was "this is really freakin' sexy!" There was not enough room for all of the parts to be held in snugly, without cutting off circulation (on the largest setting--- I told you it runs small!), so we opted for a modified fit that allowed for testicular spillage (my husbands balls experienced the feeling of "lift & separate".) It worked out well, and my husband didn't have to lose a testicle--- all's fair in love and war rigt?!? Ha! Anyhow, what came next was the best part!!! Within just a minute of putting this leather penis and scrotum strap on my husband, I noticed that he was getting quite hard! 

Another tip: please please please save yourself a ton of frustration, and make sure your penis is erect BEFORE you start! I didn't think about this until AFTER!!! It would have been much easier. 
Moving on--- as my husband got harder, the strap got a little tighter, and he started to get really thick! I wouldn't classify this product as a cock ring, ever. But, it acted just the same... His penis maintained adequate blood flow, but it was visibly thicker than usual. To be honest, it was really a turn on for me! My husband has a sexy penis to begin with, but seeing his balls bound, and his shaft getting super thick--- it did wonderous things for my libido! 
Over all, it was a learning experience for us, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, I highly recommend that everyone try this... It's very arousing! My husband and I both rate this with 5 stars & two thumbs up! This is by far one of the best products we have received complimentary, for testing and review purposes! 

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